Don’t bother with remote view on your phone.
As far as I can tell, when in remote viewer mode, the only thing you can see is the upper left quadrant of the screen. It’s not possible to scroll the screen so that you can see running applications off the viewport. Other reviews have covered my major gripes with this app. Specifically, the lack of ability to effectively scroll. Tapping on the screen in remote viewer mode should move the mouse to the location tapped. However, the screen on my phone is little more than a backdrop. I can see the close/minimize/maximize buttons on the corner of the application I can see, but if I try to click them, the mouse jumps away. The mousepad function appears to be mapped to the whole screen. If I move the pointer to the lower right corner of my iPhone screen, the mouse cursor moves all the way to the lower right corner of my computer screen… Far off the screen on my phone.
I guess what I really want to say to the developer is that if you are going to have a remote screen capability, then you should have the whole screen represented in the app. If that’s not possible on the iPhone, (5S in my case) then that feature should be CLEARLY outlined with it’s limitations.
Airneil about
Remote HD, v4.2.2